Classic Beige Marble

Quarried in Turkey, Classic beige marble has a creamy beige colour. It also has veins in different tones of beige. The veins form shapes very similar to a bird’s feather. When you look at the entire surface of the Classic Beige marble it looks like a bird’s wing, where you can see the detail of each feather. Classic Beige marble has busier character and aesthetics compared to other imported beige marble. It is an ideal choice if you are looking for an elegant beige marble but do not want the traditional plain. This imported marble’s bird’s wing-like appearance makes it highly suitable for book matching (mirror-image symmetric installation). The most suitable applications of classic beige marble are large area flooring, lobbies and wall cladding due to its book matching capabilities. This imported marble can also be used in tile size, which is perfect for luxury bathrooms and exteriors.